SO MANY PEOPLE have been asking me about hypno play, and while I really love it and teach about a lot of things, I don't feel qualified to teach, so I'm bringing in bast_kitty to share her wickedness and experience.

Join us poolside at The House for a presentation and demonstration of kinky hypnosis and the wicked, silly, and sexy things you can do with it!

And when we're done with that, it's hours of playing! Kinky and sexy fun in the sun, in the cabanas, in the private (and not-so-private) rooms and more. Snacks and a mid-afternoon meal are provided.

Sunday, September 17th at THE HOUSE in Raleigh

What Swingler (if any) have you attended before?
Do you need vegetarian/vegan options?
I have read the information and rules below and I agree.
$15 first-time Swingler attendees PAID NOW.
$30/person: bring cash to THE HOUSE in cash, night of. 

$15 goes to Mingler to help us buy equipment, put deposits down for other events, and to hire services for Mingler events (like we're catering this one).

CashApp: $DatingKinky
PayPal: (use this link!)
Venmo: @DatingKinky


$30 goes to THE HOUSE to reserve the space for this party ONLY. Only employees of THE HOUSE will be there, aside from our party goers, to assure things go smoothly.

The Mingler is starting the evening off with a tea party. Light snacks, tea and fun drinks. 

THE HOUSE provides hotdogs and hamburgers at 11pm, non-alcoholic drinks, and light snacks through the evening. 
You will be required to fill out an agreement for THE HOUSE to enter. 

The agreement form that you sign states that you understand this is a private adult party and you are not offended by nudity or adult situations. It also states that if you are a member of the media or law enforcement, you are at our club of your own free will and not attending to gather anyone's personal information or make anyone's personal information/identity known to the general public. The HOUSE does not sell or give out any of your information to anyone for any reason; they value your privacy and survive on discretion.

Please make sure that you bring a valid picture ID. No one will be allowed in the party without showing a picture ID. Please note that THE HOUSE DOES NOT make a copy of your ID or collect your personal information.


All Mingler Community Guidelines apply. 

See the ✅-community channel for a refresher. They apply to ALL Mingler events, anywhere, anytime. 

All Swingler attendees MUST be Mingler members in good standing for at least TWO weeks. 

All new Swinglers MUST post an introduction (in the Swingler intros channels), participate in the online orientation, and join the planning and conversation leading up to the event.

Want to know why? Click Here. 

Do I have to have sex or am I expected to be naked? 

Simply put, no. 

This is a sex-positive kink party. That means you can be as naked or as sex-involved (OR NOT) as you want. 

There is no pressure for you to do anything at all. If you like, you can just sit back and watch everything that goes on without being involved. No one will pressure you to do anything. You should not have anyone come up and try to touch you without your permission.

What are Touch-Me-Nots? 

Glow bracelets worn on either arm during the party mean that you are not open to being approached for sexual or kinky play by anyone, unless you have specifically given them permission. You may also use this ribbon if you are not open to play with anyone outside of your current partnerships, or people you've made previous arrangements with. 

You may approach others, and you may remove your own bracelet at any time. 

We provide the bracelets. 

No means no!

If someone tells you no to something then respect their wishes and stop doing what they asked you to stop doing. Use some tact when you approach someone.

No smoking inside THE HOUSE.

You must go outside by the pool tables to smoke. That is the area set aside specifically for smoking.

We also must keep the party inside THE HOUSE and out by the pool. No outside in the front of the house. We don't want to bring no unnecessary attention to the party from the neighbors.

Sex & nudity are allowed in designated areas anytime. 

Have fun and enjoy yourselves at the party. If you would like to be naked, go naked. If you would like to have sex in public, then have sex at your table, on the dance floor, on the couch, or anywhere else that you like. Sex and nudity are allowed everywhere at THE HOUSE. If you have sex in the hot tub or pool make sure they swallow!! Do not make them dirty and slimy!

Absolutely no illegal drugs.

Please DO NOT bring any kind of illegal drugs to the party. The last thing that any of us want is to bring unwanted attention to the club. No sharing of prescription drugs is allowed.

No hard alcohol allowed. 

The only alcoholic beverages that you may bring are beer and wine products. If you are unsure of what is considered hard alcohol just remember this: If you can buy it at a grocery store, gas station, or convenience store then it is ok to bring with you. If you can only buy it at an ABC store then it is not allowed.

Excessive drinking will not be tolerated. 

We want you to have fun and enjoy the party but we do not want you falling down and getting hurt or hurting others. Some people have a tendency to say things to someone that they would not normally say and we do not want to hurt anyone's feelings or cause a problem. If you do drink make sure that you have a designated driver, we do not want anyone to leave our party under the influence of alcohol. If you can't drive then stay until you sober up. Or get a hotel if there isn't room for you to stay here overnight.

No fighting.

Before you come to THE HOUSE please talk to your partner and discuss what you both are comfortable with. Do not do something that you or your partner is uncomfortable with and causes an argument. If a discussion becomes heated, do not argue, scream, or yell in front of everyone. If you cannot settle your differences, please take it home; don't wait for us to ask you to leave. If we do, you wont be invited to the next party.

Don't touch PRIVATE stuff. 

THE HOUSE is not just a venue, it's also a home. Disposable products and towels/sheets are made available. Do not open cabinets or go into private areas. If you need something, find Nookie or THE HOUSE staff. 

Photos are allowed WITH DISCRETION.

We respect everyone's right to privacy. 

Photos ARE allowed WITH DISCRETION. And I mean it. If any photos with faces that are not consenting show up anywhere, it's an automatic 1 year ban from Mingler and Swingler. Period, no exceptions. Take pics ONLY of you and your friends, and if someone else gets in, blur that shit! When you get your photos, if you're willing to share with Mingler for posting recaps of the fun here and/or on Fet, please reach out to me. smiles

Do not touch without asking. 

There may be naked people walking around, scening, or having sex at the party.. If you see someone that you would like to play with you must ask first, DO NOT walk up to someone and just start touching them without asking first. Just because someone is naked and near you (even talking with you or flirting with you!) does not mean that they want to be touched. If people are having sex, ask first if it is okay to touch or play with them. DO NOT just start rubbing on someone, sticking your fingers, or placing your hands where they do not belong.

Doors open at noon for the event. You do not have to attend the educational, which will be over around 2pm. 

The event begins at noon and goes to 6pm. Be prepared to mix and mingle and get to know each other in your best poolside wear!

Newbie fees are refundable until 10 days prior to the event. 

After that, we are happy to put the fee towards another Swingler event.

You see, we close the registrations to new people 14 days before the event, so we have time to get y'all into the channels connecting, make sure you have gotten through our online orientation, and so on. We've saved that newbie spot for you. 

Rules are non-negotiable. 

We are serious about every single rule we have. 

So much so that if a rule is broken, it is a mandatory 1 year ban from Swingler events and the Mingler discord server, no exceptions.