We want your feedback!
THANK YOU for celebrating my birthday with me, and for being a part of the Swingler parties debut!
I would love your thoughts and feedback, as I look ahead into the rest of 2022 and 2023. *smiles*
Scene Name
How comfortable were you with the process of getting registered and at The House to get in?
What feedback do you have on having the temp server set up for two weeks prior to the event, to get to know people?
What did you like/dislike about The House as a location?
Did you feel any pressure from anyone at the event?
Did The House staff make you feel welcome?
Do you have ideas on making future parties better?
Future parties will have a number of "spaces" (no more than 50%) set aside for newer people to join in the fun. What thoughts/ideas do you have for that to go smoothly?
We are considering 4 total parties per year for Mingler. End of April, June, mid-October, and one for my birthday (private invite like this one). What are your thoughts on that?
Overall, how would you rate the event?
Not really my thing
That was great
Send it!